The holiday celebrations in Unitarian Universalist congregations reflect the six Sources of our faith.
Our congregation celebrates Christian holidays like Christmas, Pagan celebrations like Solstice, and regional holidays like Day of the Dead. Our holiday services use the stories and traditions creatively, calling us to our deeper humanity and our commitment to the good.

In addition to religious holidays, we also honor secular holidays including Earth Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Labor Day, Indigenous Peoples Day, and Thanksgiving.

Water Ceremony
This tradition marks the beginning of our new program year, which runs from mid-August to the end of June. Individuals are invited to bring a sample of water from a meaningful place or experience that occurred over the summer, and to share that story with others in the congregation. The samples are then all mixed together to represent the memories and common human experiences that connect us all together.
Flower Communion
This tradition marks the anticipation of summer. Individuals are invited to bring flowers from their gardens to combine into a beautiful mass arrangement. At the end of the service, the flowers are distributed to people as they leave the sanctuary, reminding them to appreciate both the joys of summer and the blessings of community.